Tuesday 25 October 2005


Nothing to say except that I am early to bed in hopes of being early to rise.
oh, and it's fall cleaning time.

Monday 24 October 2005

Diatomaceous what??

Diatomaceous earth. Now, there is an alternative to aerosol neurotoxin to eradicate my bug problem. *giggle*
Ok..actually, I am serious. But I just love that word. *grin* Gives me flash backs to biology in ......*thinking*.....oh, 9th grade. Sitting in the back ooohhhhing and aaahhhhing over hugely enlarged pictures of diatomes and my friend Becky deciding then and there she would be a marine biologist. *grin* I think she joined the armed forces actually after attending Notre Dame. We lost touch when I moved State-side. Wonder what she's up to now???
Anyway. Something else. Back to what I was posting about - DIATOMACEOUS EARTH. (IF this were a miniseries that would still be echoing. *laugh*)
I think it would be an even better choice than the Boric acid I have been using. Either way, it must be understood that it isn't completely without hazards - I mean, you still don't want to inhale the stuff. Who needs microscopic bits of fossil lodged willy nilly in their lung tissue? Not me. *grin* And keeping in mind that we need beneficial insects (yes, I know that the others are beneficial in their own ways but I'm not addressing those) we don't want to use this where it might cause a worse problem in the garden if sprayed all over or erratically without thought. (isn't that last part redundant? *laugh* " ....red tomato..most tomatoes are red....it's redundant." *laugh*)
Apparently, I have no focus today. *grin* So, I'm going to stop. Feel free to check out the link or do a google. *smile*