Friday, 19 August 2005

so much!!

There is so much today that touches me out in the blogging world!
Someday I, too, plan to be out in my Wellies, digging up carrots and picking tomatoes and zuchinni....Ahhhhh. *happy sigh*
For now, I'm happy to see someone getting to enjoy it! Great garden!!!

wisdom passed down

Thank you, Kathy, for sharing. I feel like I'm in the locker room getting the "talk" I need before the next quarter. (Kathy posted this at her blog last Friday.)
So much in parenting is so basic. It is not fancy. It starts with remembering that kids are people. It starts with treating your child the way you would want to be treated. With empathy: remembering how it felt to be that age.

Remember that family members are precious and smile at them and make eye contact with them when they wake up in the morning or from a nap.

Make pleasant eye contact with your children and touch them gently on the shoulder when you ask them to do something. Make it a chance to cooperate before it becomes a command to comply.

Be considerate--give your children time to disengage from what they're doing before expecting them to jump up to fulfill your request.

Be considerate in letting them know what to expect in an upcoming situation. We can forget that everything is a new situation when you're a child.

Be aware--of how long it's been since your child ate or slept, and also of the stress and stimulation of different situations. Just like grownups, children find it hard to be patient and gracious when they're hungry, tired or stressed out. Be attentive to their frailty in this area and you will cut problem behaviors by a huge percentage.

Children, like adults, appreciate it when authority figures (that's you) take time to investigate the facts before you jump to conclusions about their culpability or motive in some situation.

When children behave badly, it often is a clue that they are feeling badly--just as it is with grownups. Set firm limits but also investigate what the underlying cause of the behavior is.

Children NEED lots of time and attention from their parents.

There is a difference between being firm and being mean -- and children know that as well as you do. (And incidently, meanness at the behest of some parenting guru whose book is making the rounds is still meanness.) Firmness is dignified; it draws respect--and shows respect. Firmness sets a wise boundary and stays with it. Firmness looks the same in public as it does at home. Meanness deals out of impatience, revenge, fear, embarrassment, or a sub-human view of the child. Meanness seeks privacy. The light of day tends to reveal meanness for what it is.

Parenting well is mostly relationship. Thus, if you're a Christian parent, ponder parenting applications when you come across those "one another" verses (and other relationship verses) in the New Testament. You'll be blessed and challenged.

Enseigne-moi, Éternel

Psaume 119:25-32 (Louis Segond)

25 Mon âme est attachée à la poussière: Rends-moi la vie selon ta parole!

26 Je raconte mes voies, et tu m'exauces: Enseigne-moi tes statuts!

27 Fais-moi comprendre la voie de tes ordonnances, Et je méditerai sur tes merveilles!

28 Mon âme pleure de chagrin: Relève-moi selon ta parole!

29 Éloigne de moi la voie du mensonge, Et accorde-moi la grâce de suivre ta loi!

30 Je choisis la voie de la vérité, Je place tes lois sous mes yeux.

31 Je m'attache à tes préceptes: Éternel, ne me rends point confus!

32 Je cours dans la voie de tes commandements, Car tu élargis mon coeur.

Psalm 119:25-32 (New Living Translation)
New Living Translation (NLT)

I lie in the dust, completely discouraged;
revive me by your word.

I told you my plans, and you answered.
Now teach me your principles.

Help me understand the meaning of your commandments,
and I will meditate on your wonderful miracles.

I weep with grief;
encourage me by your word.

Keep me from lying to myself;
give me the privilege of knowing your law.

I have chosen to be faithful;
I have determined to live by your laws.

I cling to your decrees.
LORD, don't let me be put to shame!

If you will help me,
I will run to follow your commands.

Buffet? ....there's no buffet.

Yesterday was an amazing marker in our marriage - 11 years! Reflecting on the joys and trials of our past, I realized we have made 4 interstate moves, have brought three wonderfully loving children into the world, survived 10 surgeries with our second son, made lasting friendships, been hurt and healed, grown and pruned, and of course: learned, laughed and loved. *smile* Over all it has been good - Thanks to God and his mercy and grace. (amen.) We should've made a banner that said "50 yrs. or Bust!!" and had our picture made with it. *laugh*

The last couple days I have been seeing that God is always working on something. I mean, I've known that....but have I really known that? I can see it this time. As I am painfully missing my sweet friend, I find that God has brought someone else closer to me. It has been a balm for my heart. What's more, she has been a challenge and encouragement to me spiritually. She is a good friend ~ delighting in the Lord, seeking His will. The Holy Spirit is evident in her life. And I am Thankful. (amen.)

~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
Kolosser 3:12,13

(12)So ziehet nun an, als die Auserwählten Gottes, Heiligen und Geliebten, herzliches Erbarmen, Freundlichkeit, Demut, Sanftmut, Geduld;(13)und vertrage einer den andern und vergebet euch untereinander, so jemand Klage hat wider den andern; gleichwie Christus euch vergeben hat, also auch ihr.

Colossians 3:12,13

(12)Since God chose you to be the holy people whom he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.
(13)You must make allowance for each other's faults and forgive the person who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.

These verses need to be pasted to my walls. Perhaps if I wrote it out 100 times on the blackboard it would sink in, you think?
To be clothed in tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience I am so painfully, and obviously NOT.
We become like those we spend the most time with. What kind of example am I being to my children? Today I was hardhearted, harsh, condescending, abrupt, and impatient.Oh, and LOUD. *sad-frown*
The Word's of my Savior are not a place of comfort for me today. Rather they are rebuking and peircing. My own disapointment with myself is keen. (Col.3:17 - And whatever you do or say, let it be as a representative of the Lord Jesus, all the while giving thanks through him to God the Father.)
If you are familiar with this passage you know what follows swiftly after this, right? (vs. 21, Fathers, don't aggravate your children. If you do, they will become discouraged and quit trying.) The farther I read the more I see - all I can do is pray.

Lord, have mercy; Christ, have mercy. Mea culpa.

Mary Magdalene detail from Sacred Conversation, by Giovanni Bellini

Thursday, 18 August 2005

Le Sigh

a wee bit discouraged....
and I miss my smilies. *hrmph*

Tuesday, 16 August 2005

bathing is not optional!

It would be a huge time saver if bathing weren't a necessity and merely an enjoyable relaxation tool. *laugh* But I am so very glad that it IS necessary!!! It means I do get to relax, even if it isn't daily....(sorry, y'all, if that's TMI - you can blog-hop elsewhere. *giggle*)
One of the things I am most thankful for beyond the usual things we all list, like family, and freedom of worship (I know those are not small things - I don't take them lightly - don't worry!*laugh*), is hot, running water from an overhead spigot!
Anyway - I guess my point is that I am looking at the small things today (that really don't seem so small when they aren't there) and remembering what a blessing they are as well. A good perspective to have when one has a million and one loads of laundry and dirty floors that need to be mopped - yet again. *laugh*
Ever so often I read this little story - it certainly helps my attitude -
Annah is from South Africa. She and her husband came to the United States from Soweto - the all black southwest township of Johannesburg- so that her husband could get his Ph.D. Her home had been two rooms without electricity or running water. She had never seen a vacuum cleaner or operated a dishwasher.
She and her daughters visited with us for two weeks one summer. Daily Annah rose and started to clean my house. When I urged her to be a guest instead, she shook her head. "Oh, you have such a lovely home. It is a joy to clean."
A joy to clean? For me, cleaning was something I did when company was coming, when I began to stick to the floor, or could not see out the window. Certainly something to do only if I couldn't think of anything better to do!
"I love to polish," Annah told me, making my sink gleam. "In Soweto, women polish their buckets until they shine. We are proud of what we have."
Seeing Annah's delight in cleaning- and feeling a little guilty that she was working so hard in my house- I began to work with her. I discovered how much joy there can be mopping a floor, polishing wood until it glows, lifting clean dishes from piles of suds, folding swee-smelling clothes.
I am grateful to Annah. She taught me to take joy in performing the tasks that bring light and sparkle to my home.

~from House Warmings: For those who make a house a home by Patricia Houck Sprinkle

Work without joy shall be as nothing.
Resolve to be happy, and your joy and you shall form
an invincible host against difficulties.

~Helen Keller

Establish the work of my hands! amen

Monday, 15 August 2005

The real deal?

How real am I? I wonder at approachability.
I know I am real and honest. I also know that I am self-sensoring and secretive - not in a dishonest way - just in an introverted sort of way. I keep most of myself unto myself. Sometimes I think I also with-hold from myself because I don't want to deal with that part of me. I think it is a struggle to keep "introverted" from morphing into "self-centered"......
Hence the daily struggles:
  • ~ to empty all myself of self that God may fill me with Himself instead...
  • ~ to be transparent before the Lord, that I may be made clean - as His mercies are new each day...

If thou could'st empty all thyself of self,

Like to a shell dishabited,
Then might He find thee on the ocean shelf,
And say,"This is not dead,"
And fill thee with Himself instead.
But thou art all repleat with very thou,
And hast such shrewd activity,
That when He comes He says,"This is enow
Unto itself - 'twere better let it be,
It is so small and full, there is no room for me."
~Sir Thomas Browne

12 How can I know all the sins lurking in my heart?
Cleanse me from these hidden faults.

13 Keep me from deliberate sins!
Don't let them control me.
Then I will be free from guilt,
and innocent of great sin.

14 May the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart
be pleasing to you,
O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.

Psalm 19:12-14

When you read my mind, what does it say? What do you find there?
When my thoughts unwind, reflections of you, I pray they will be there....When you read my mind......
~Joel Weldon, musician

Sunday, 14 August 2005

the cow says.....

*giggle* (CR is reading to herself from Moo, Baa, La, La, La by Sandra Boynton)
Now she's looking through Eric Carle's The Very Hungry Catapillar. Another book lover. What bliss! *smile* CF draws detailed stories about his adventures as a super hero. I can't wait till he can write the words out and illustrate. *grin*

Actually, I began this post because there are a lot of things pinging in my brain and it helps to make a bit of a list - sort of to check it off kinda thing - thought more about this: check! So, there won't really be much to converse about probably - just something to go "hmmmm???" at. *laugh*

the "order" of prayer
lining up lables (why do I need to? *laugh*)
if the rainbow didn't come in the color order it is would I like it any less? (ok..just joking on this one!!! *grin*)
wading pool algae
things under the carport
dead plants
floor polish
my reading list
digital scrapbooking
mold spores *rolleyes* - I know, of all the things to think about. *snort*

Past bedtime for the wee ones......
oh, final note - had a great lunch with Melissa and Josh today. Looking forward to getting to know them better. *smile*


Beautiful. Peaceful. Comfort. Love.