Monday 14 November 2005

sluggish updates I am sort of dragging along here. I did take a nap on the couch with Cosette on Sunday afternoon. *smile* But that was really the extent of my relaxing. *sigh*
So, in honor of blogging and just because I can and truthfully, because I can't think of a single thing I've wanted to share in the past couple weeks, I shall post today's TO DO LIST. Drum roll, please.....*drumming of fingers on desk*

*put my clean sheets in the dryer DONE - even got my duvet cleaned! yeah!
*put boys sheets in washer DONE- and dried
*sweep up doggie's grass off the floors (she rolls...and rolls..and rolls) DONE
*bathrooms - intense cleaning this time (includes wall tiles around boy's toilet & under the base) HALF DONE - ONE DOWN AND ONE TO GO
*mop floors
*dust (including fan blades, mini blinds, and window sills) DONE
*vacuum DONE
*laundry, laundry, laundry...........
*plan dinner DONE - yummy
*poison my crunchy invaders...again DONE
*make out a couple thank you notes DONE
*post some of a reading list for an aquaintance DON'T HAVE TO - will exchange later *grin*
(of course this is after school is done *wink*)

oh, and just to state something to vent a frustration - grits can get EVERYWHERE!! (esp. when a 2yr. old eats them. *grin*)

edited one time to mark finished items. YEAH!!! Currently enjoying Pride and Prejudice on A&E.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Guess what - there's grass all over the floors again - I finally shut the doggie door in frustration *sigh* - and Boo peed all over the clean sheets. Some days you just gotta laugh - LOUDLY. *grin*