Friday 30 October 2009

I can't keep anything nice. Everything gets broken or smashed. What's the freakin' point? I'm so upset I want to smash everything else so I only have to be upset once instead of over and over and over. Burn it all with a blow torch - it's going to crumble any way. Build a bonfire. Get it over with. I want to scream, stomp my feet, and beat someone till I run out of steam.
It's the broken window thing. The Pavlovian dog of households. If something is out of place, other people feel free to leave other things out of place. If something doesn't appear expensive, they feel free to abuse it and generally ruin it. (Esp. if people are not taught to respect the property of other people.) *biting back a long string of foul verbiage, bitter, and vile* [\tantrum]
I need something physically hard to do. NOW.

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