Wednesday 14 September 2005

suck it up

Some things I just can't do. No matter how hard I try...I fail. It sucks. I hate it. I loathe it. Can't do anything about it. What's worse is that I just have to suck it up. Yay me. Woohoo.

Oh, and the mysterious "they" and Steve from Blues Clues - liars all - you can't "be anything you wanna be." And yeah, I'm bitter about it.


Mama Heffalump said...

Does that mean that the army's logo is wrong too? You know the one... "Be all that you can be... in tne arrrrrrmy!" *hugs-a-bunch*

Mama Heffalump said...

Oops... I meant "the", not "tne"... *eyeroll*! Sorry!

Chris said...

Oh, can be all you can be - you just may suck at it and get passed over for promotion several times and then finally discharged.

thanks for the hug. *wee_smile*

Mama Heffalump said...

Any time, dearie... *smile*...