Sunday 18 September 2005

lazy..with sweet memories to keep.

So, I've been lazy.
Boo has a sick tummy. She didn't sleep well last nite and was really fussy yesterday. Didn't even want to blow out the candles on her cake! She did have fun carrying her newest baby while walking in those crazy dress up shoes I coveted as a small child. *laugh* At one point she kept trying to do something and wanted me to hold her baby for her, so I fashioned a sling out of a large square scarf ala style. She loved it and it was so cute! So, now she has two babies. One sleeps in the moses basket and the other sleeps with her. Nana bought her a little stroller, so she's constantly putting a baby in and trying to strap her in. *laugh* Then the baby "cries" and she says,"Oh, baby!" and rushes to pick her up. The baby also laughs and says "mama". We have little diapers for them, but I don't think they will hold up for long, so I decided that my first sewing project (If I ever actually get the machine up on the table and threaded! *laugh*) will still be little cloth diapers like my great grandma made for my dollies. Very simple with little velcro tabs. I think I can manage that.
Right now, Boo is running around in her purple jeweled dress up shoes, with her navy blue and white striped, red trimmed bathing suit cover/robe. She is carrying one baby, a diaper bag, a cell phone - and pushing another baby in her stroller! A mom in training! *grin*
Now, I need to go help the boys with their bedroom.

1 comment:

Mama Heffalump said...

Mommy in training for sure... LOL! I hope Boo feels better!