Monday 9 January 2006

the games a-foot!

Five strange things, eh? And just five.


1. I don't like to kill bugs - spiders included. I'd rather catch them and take them outside. Some you just have to kill. And that gives me the willies...esp. if they crunch. *shudder* And yet, sometimes I get a sick satisfaction out of swatting, if that's not strange....

2. I LOVE science. I'm afraid of chemistry. I think it has to do with fear of failure and all the math involved. Metric measurements are intimidating. I don't know why - I lived in Europe for Pete's sake. But I still love science. I even like reading about it....and sadly, I've dropped Chem twice. *wince* Someday, I'll get a tutor - or Chemistry for Dummies. *sigh* Most likely, Chem for Dummies. *grin*

3. I like to sleep with my toes hanging off the end of the bed. *laugh*

4. I don't really like coffee. I like cream and sugar. Coffee gives me an excuse to have lots of both. I like cream and sugar in my tea, but since I like the flavour of teas, I usually just take honey.

5. I hate monopoly. Absolutely. End of story. I don't know anyone else that does. *shrug*

*Bonus - my Darling Husband says I am a 60-something yr. old biddy because of the way I keep an eye on the neighborhood. (I think he uses the word "nosey" - not sooo nice connotations. *ththtppthth*) Was anyone reading this over here the day I spotted the man across the street in his tree, with the saw up over his head, while he was precariously perched on a lower, not too strong looking branch?! (It was moving, let me tell you - and I DON'T mean the branch he was sawing on. *giggle*)


molly said...

I hate Monopoly!!! It stresses me out! Budgeting money is done twice a month (payday) at this house and NOT in my free time. Ugh... my palms get sweaty just thinking about it.

Chris said...

Good to know I'm not the only weirdo in the world. *laugh* I didn't like it as a kid either. Too much math...