Wednesday 11 January 2006

Suregery update

I tried to update earlier and there was some kind of "bug" with blogger, so that's why this took so long.
Jan. 10 was a very hard day. Hard emotionally, and physically. Surgery didn't happen @ noon as planned. The hospital had some screw ups - highly inconvienient would be an understatement. Eventually, after 4pm (and having not eaten all day) Cambron finally went into surgery. Because the surgery takes a min. of 3 hours, having a late start, recovery time, etc. He was kept over night. I had to take the other children home for the night. (Hospital is out of town.) I was very sad to be leaving.
The surgery was a success and yet lacking the result we wanted. His hearing is permenantly impaired (more than it had been) because the earbones had deteriorated. The good things are that even tho there was much more skin than previously thought, it is all removed. The eardrum is perfectly repaired - the graft worked. There may be more to share but at the moment I just can't think of anything. You can ask me if you want.
We are going back next week for a follow up and to discuss options.
So, I'm done for now. I thank God yesterday is over, Cambron and Noel are home, and we can get back to whatever is closest to "normal".
We still have much ahead of us. Thank you for all the prayers.
From my heart -

oh, and I want to add that Cambron was so BRAVE. He stayed cheerful - he's still cheerful today. I'm so proud of how well he handles this stuff. WAY better than I do.

1 comment:

Jessica Morris said...

Glad it went well =)