Wednesday 21 September 2005

cyber suction

There is a Cyber Vacuum... out there... somewhere... that has sucked up my post and it is now forever lost. Does anyone remember Murphy's Law? Does he have influence over the internet?? *laugh* Ah, well...I had put so much into crafting that post - specific words...sentence structure..I really felt the urge to write (actually using correct punctuation even! *mock shock*) and there it was in all it's edited glory. WAS. *laugh*
The Muse has departed. Perhaps another day, eh? *shrug*


Mama Heffalump said...


Matt said...

Murphy's Law applies everywhere. For your convenience here is its mathematical formula:

((U+C+I) x (10-S))/20 x A x 1/(1-sin(F/10))

Where U is urgency, C is complexity, I is importance, S is skill, F is frequency and A is aggrevation.

PNoel said...

you are my muse, edited or not! I love you!

Matt said...

I hope your muse comes back soon. We miss you.