Monday 5 September 2005


I did not get up early. We did not have school. Three out of five family members have sickness or feel like they may be getting sickness (the latter being moi). I was going to take the day easy after sleeping in - but ended up doing some yard work. What started small just led from one thing to another and another. The yard is looking nicer anyway.
Another confession: I just learned about bandwidth thievery - of which I am guilty. Now that I know what it is, and how I was doing it, I am going back thru my posts to make sure all pictures I've shared are copyrite free (I know that they are) and also downloaded to my computer and then uploaded to an image host online (I can think of two which aren't!). *whew* sounds complicated but it's not. Photobucket is wonderful for image hosting, by the way. Amazing thing about laws - they are there even if you don't know about them. I think there are some great spiritual implications there, but I don't have time to get into them. CA just got out of the shower and the younger two are done bathing and are dressed and ready for bed - night time routines beckon.
I'l have to com eback - maybe later tonight or early in the morning - I've been reading some great things and want to post them here to chew on and hopefull get some other's insight.
One last question - and this is not a joke - What are your thoughts about reading the bible in the bathroom?


Chris said...

Thanks, Martha.

AS far as reading it in the bathroom - I've been wondering if it's disrespectful? *laugh* Sometimes, it seems like the only quiet place to read. *shrug*
I've just been wondering about it and am glad for input.
Of course for some it is disrespectful to mark in your bible or to place it on the floor or to put another book on top of the bible. Personally, I don't have a problem with any of those things.
Just pondering about the bathroom thing.

lyndapoe said...

you mean the bathroom was never meant to be the library of the house?

man, now where am I going to put all those books?

PNoel said...

stop being an idolitor, the Bible is the word of God but your copy is just paper and ink!

Matt said...

I don't think you'll be condemned for reading in the bathroom. Personally, I don't have time for reading in the bathroom. I do my business and get on with my life.