Sunday 4 September 2005


This weekend has been mostly restful. We took friday off of school, so we will actually be having lessons tomorrow.
I am prep-ing to make this week different. Changes in schedule....more consistency. The last two nights bedtimes have gone much smoother. And I like to think it is because I have pretty much done the exact same thing with them each nite - without being rigid about it. The only thing I have to add is reading...which I think we will move away from the bedroom, and keep being in their bed's for sleeping only.
I spoke with a fellow HERO homeschooling mom at Saturday's swim lesson and recieved a great idea for getting back to the gym. (which has been practically impossible it seems - and there is no way I'm going to wake up earlier to get there!) Anyway - three times a week in the afternoon, they have water aerobics. I know, I know - I imagine a pool of little old ladies in swim caps - but anyway - I think I might join in - I'll finally be back in the gym doing something low impact and good for my horrid knees. *smile*
So...there will yet more consistency - M,W,F - gym; T,Th - karate - at the same time each day! Now, if I get my morning and evening routines going - dare I say: "flying"? - I'll be doing pretty darn good. *pleased grin*
As far as the "Believing God " study goes - I'm not going to be doing that. I'll have to let Tally tell me the wonders of Beth Moore's book, etc. For some strange reason I thought Lifeway was offering the study for free. What could have possibly given me that idea - I have no clue. *shrug* Anyway - instead I decided to splurge and by a book I have been looking at:
Praying the Names of God, A Daily Guide by Ann Spangler. She covers 26 of God's names or titles over 26 weeks. Talk about bang for your buck. *giggle* the other sutdy is only 10 weks long and I think they have the same amount of "homework", and I have no extra journal or video to buy. *smile* I like that. a lot. *grin* And I start tomorrow. *thumbsup*
Now off to bed I go - and to quote my sister quoting Meg Ryan:
"Good night dear void......."


lyndapoe said...

I have I told you that you are special? Well, you are special.

I see that you left a comment on lars blog, how nice of you. You are always trying to make people feel involved.

I hope you had a great day!

Tomorrow is beth's first day at her new job w/the Dept of Defense. I will be watching the baby with the help of young woman from Trinity from about 10-2ish...

Chris said...

Well, thank you, Lynda - but truthfully, she posted on mine first. *laugh*
I hope Beth ejoys a wonderful job experience and that this job is just what she needs. *smile*