Thursday 9 February 2006

Finally, the meme.

QuirkyChild tagged me for this. *smile* So, here goes:

Four jobs you’ve had in your life:

1. Postal clerk assistant for the MPS

2. Sandwich/do it all girl for a Deli

3. Jewelry sales at Montgomery Wards (obviously before they closed)

4. Nanny

Four movies you would watch over and over:

1. Pride and Prejudice

2. Sense and Sensiblity

3. Emma

4. You've Got Mail/13 Going on 30

Four places you have lived: (I'm confining this to the U.S.)

1. Colorado

2. Missouri

3. California

4. Mississippi

Four TV shows you love to watch :

1. Good Eats

2. Iron Chef (not Iron Chef America)

3. Thin Blue Line

4. Home remodeling shows

Four places you have been on vacation:

1. New York

2. Illinois

3. California

4. Oregon

Four websites you visit daily:

1. Graceful Mothering

2. blogs (xanga and blogspot - a couple homestead and homeschoolbloggers)

3. Women@Home

4. my email

Four of your favorite foods:

1. fruit

2. chocolate

3. fresh vegetables

4. Crusty bread with thick slabs of meat and cheese - no dressings or anything

Four places you would rather be right now:

1. the beach

2. the aquarium (Monteray Bay is my fav.)

3. a giant library

4. the Louvre, or the Met.

Four bloggers you are tagging:

Anyone left who hasn't done this yet. *laugh*


quirkychild said...

Awww, you posted!

Thin Blue Line! I've only caught a couple of them, but they have been hilarious! Rowan Atkinson all the way!

(possum pearl, it's a British comedy about a police force, the title is some reference or pun about it, I'm not sure what it means but the British do.)

The Lourve...*sigh*...I would rather be there too. A giant library however does score a close second. Hope you can find P.G. Wodehouse at yours!

Jessica Morris said...

Keeping up Appearances is THE BEST!! I love that show!!! =)

Matt said...

'Four movies you would watch over and over:

1. Pride and Prejudice

2. Sense and Sensiblity

3. Emma"

Hmm. Does someone like Jane Austen I wonder? *grin*

Chris said...

R- I love, love, love her!! *grin*
and girls - it's good to know some others share my sense of humour. *wink*

Linda said...

"You've Got Mail" is one of my favorites too. "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" gets me every time!

(this is Linda in AK)